Monday, August 27, 2018

Day 5 - Tewskbury to Stafford

Today my legs woke up in a happier place. They didn't complain when I asked them to take me downstairs for breakfast, or back up again to get my things, or when I got on the bike.  In return, I made sure I fueled them adequately during a couple of breaks along the way.  I wonder if they've finally accepted that what we do is, we get on the bike each morning and ride 70 or 80 miles until we stop in the afternoon?

Realistically, today wasn't hard.  In fact, it was as easy as yesterday was hard. We took the scenic route to Stafford, which involved cycle tracks and canal towpaths for much of the way.  The weather was pleasant and warm which meant I could cycle at Nick's pace almost all the way, which is to say I wasn't really exerting myself.  When it's cold and wet I have to cycle faster to keep warm and finish sooner :-)

The stats:
Distance cycled today: 80.2 miles
Ascent: 3,008'
Distance from Lands End: 367.2 miles

We're more than a third of the way, and it feels like it.  People's accents have changed as we've gone along, from 'West country' to Midlands 'Brummie', to.. whatever it is in Stafford.  We've passed County boundary signs.  In two and a bit days we'll finish England and enter Scotland - what a milestone that will be!

This sign says 'Welcome to Staffordshire, The creative county'. Staffordshire - you get the prize, for optimism anyway :-D

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