What has this got to do with riding LEJOG you may well ask? Well, Nick my travelling companion was so incensed about some Facebook postings by fully paid up members of the Flat Earth Society of his casual acquaintance, that he made his own 'The Earth Isn't Flat Society' Facebook page. 'Wait', I hear you say, 'there are still people who believe the earth is flat in the 21st century?' Quite. There really are people who believe that. Despite the fact that Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the Earth without leaving Egypt in around 240BC. The proof's been around for a long time. For Flat Earthers, there is no proof. The moon landings are fake, Nasa's photos of a round earth photoshopped. The proof that it's flat comes from things like pouring water over a balloon - the water runs off. So if the earth was spherical the oceans wouldn't be there - they'd drain off into space. We're all living in a kind of snow globe.
There are other consequences of this belief too - obviously Australia doesn't exist, because there's no 'land down under' :-) Sorry, Karun, Kirstyn, Dharmadeva, Wes aka 'the flying fossil' and other Aussies of my acquaintance. I expect the English cricket and rugby teams probably wonder who the hell they've been playing against all those years :-) Oh, and as for my New Zealand family - well, having been there and grown up with them I'm pretty sure they do exist.
Food isn't art: As a cyclist, I need food. Everybody does, but I need more, for my size anyway. One of my pet peeves is seeing a big plate with a lot of white space and a few dainty morsels neatly arranged in the centre. Food is not art. It's sustenance. I've got nothing against a nice presentation but it needs to fill the plate and provide an adequate number of calories. Stop it. I'm sure the original Mr Michelin didn't say food must be surrounded by lots of white space :-)
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