Thursday, August 16, 2018

Getting close, charity and a sticker..

Well, skipping a few months of mishaps and mayhem during training and preparation ahead, it's now less than a week before Le Grand Depart.  Everything seems to be falling into place.  I've decided that although my main motivation in doing the ride is the fulfillment of a long held ambition, I can't not use the opportunity to raise funds for a charity that I've long supported, if anyone feels encouraged by my ride to make a donation.  I've known the person running the project I'm riding in aid of since my 20's.  The work he's done is amazing, starting maternal health care centres in remote villages in Ebonyi State, Nigeria, which without exaggeration really have saved and improved the lives of tens of thousands of people - the centres he's started have assisted in over 10,000 births since their beginning.  My donation page is here in case you, dear reader, would like to contribute.  And let me make it clear, this is not an organised 'charity ride', where part of what you pay goes to the cost of my ride.  I'm paying all my own expenses, everything you might give goes to the health care project.

Here is my charity page: Please at least have a look, and think about making a contribution.

Stickers - why not a frame sticker for LEJOG?  I asked myself the very same question when it popped into my mind, and immediately visualised the design, an outline of mainland Britain with a red trace of my intended route running from Lands End to John O'Groats, in colours to complement those of my bike. It took a while to actually create the design and find a company to make it, it arrived today.  My only regret is not specifying matt vinyl but I still like it a lot!  Here it is:

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